Jamie Eason Live Fit – Phase 1, Week 4

Week 4


Perfecting Clean Eating and Supplementation

              I am so ready to jump on the elliptical! The only thing standing between me and Phase 2 is time. I’ve been patient with this program, going out of my comfort zone, and foregoing cardio for a whole month to build muscle so that cardio doesn’t destroy the muscle I need to build to burn fat and get toned. I love that the workouts switch up every 2 weeks so that you don’t get bored, and your body never gets a chance to get used to your routine. Waking up at 5:30AM to do the workouts is tough. I’m not a morning person, but I’d rather have my workouts done and out the way 1st thing in the morning. I still get sore after my workouts too which means I am never not challenging myself when in the gym. Oh and by the way, I lost another pound. So I’ve lost a total of 3lbs so far on this program.

                I want to say one thing about the clean eating diet, and I don’t care if I sound stupid because I didn’t know so I’m sure someone else out there doesn’t know, what exactly is processed meat? I found out that the deli meat I’ve been eating, although its smoked turkey and smoked ham, is processed meat! Deli meat, breakfast sausages, corned beef, and bacon are all high in sodium.  I am fine living without refined sugar because I like Stevia and Truvia, but sodium is a tough give up. I love my Goya seasonings and Tony’s Creole seasonings.

Eating is 80% of your weight loss. Just Google Eating Clean and you’ll understand why by simply changing your diet you will start losing weight. Use your time in Phase 1 to perfect your knowledge of clean eating as this may be something new for you. That way come Phase 2 and Phase 3 you can achieve the maximum results.

                Please note that I am not taking the supplement stack that Jamie Eason recommends at this present time. It’s not that I don’t feel I need it; it’s just that all of this is expensive for me. The groceries are already high due to the economy, and eating healthy is more costly than not eating healthy which is really sad. You have to do what you can and not go into debt for this. It’s a lifestyle for me, and I don’t plan on popping pills for the rest of my life. So note that my results for this part of the program were achieved without the supplement stack that was recommended. All of my supplements at this time I get from Wal-Mart for about $25.

Drink a lot of water to avoid feeling too sore and stretch. Personally I kind of like feeling sore. It lets me know I didn’t waste my time in the gym.

Epiphany Moment: As of date, I have noticed that my clothes fit me better, I have more energy, and my mood has improved. My hair is also getting stronger and longer, and my skin is clearer, and I am much wiser on how to eat without dieting. I’ve completely changed my lifestyle for the better. I am excited to be going into Phase 2 of this program.


Jamie Eason Live Fit – Phase 1 Week 2

Week 2


Make It Work – Stay Focused and Determined

                 I wasn’t going to write anything for Phase 1, Week 2 since the workouts and eating is the same as Week 1, however I am so happy.  Since June 2012 I’ve lost 16lbs total but in one week 4 of those pounds came off through clean eating, and not under eating, or beating myself up over cardio. I ate between 1,500 – 1,700 calories a day and lifted weights only. Jamie is strict about not doing any cardio during Phase 1.

I went to the Farmers Market Saturday and got so much great whole food items that now I’m even more excited to be eating clean.  I have a ton of options for whole food eating since going to the Farmers Market. I highly recommend checking out the closest one to you. I also find it difficult to eat every 3 hours now. Last week I was a little hungry, and was counting down to the nearest minute when it would be time to eat. This week I’m like, “Ugh…time to eat again! I’m so full.” I’ve been drinking 1 bottle of water in-between the 3 hours and 1 whole bottle before eating breakfast. I also tried Jamie Eason’s Cinnamon Swirl bread recipe this weekend and it was delicious and fulfilling.

Today is Monday, September 17, 2012, and I’m really excited to go to the gym. Friday I will order all the supplements recommended by Jamie.

To make the diet work, definitely print the recipes and try them. Drink plenty of water and make a homemade lemonade or sweet tea using stevia for sweetener. Try homemade Kale Chips and Zucchini Chips as an evening snack. Make the diet work! Its 80% of where your results will come from. So make it happen and visualize the results. Eat slower or as mom would say, “Chew your food”. Take self-control and accountability and seek what your heart desires.

 No matter your religion, pray and ask God to help you through this. Keep supportive friends around you, and avoid hanging out with people who will encourage you to abandon your diet or take a break from the workouts until you are mentally strong enough to handle that type of pressure. I noticed that my friends who would tell me, “Oh you look great, you’ve lost 16lbs, live a little” took me more seriously, and gave up trying to get me to live outside of my clean eating lifestyle the more I said “I’m good. I’ve got to stay focused.” Stay focused on the new you that you are creating and the people around you will respect you for it. The may even want to jump onboard with you. 

Epiphany Moment: A proper diet and exercise plan is only successful when paired with determination. People who are determined to accomplish a goal don’t make excuses that go against their goal. It’s mind over matter. Every day is a chance to reset your mind and start over. I am ready for Week 3.

Jamie Eason Live Fit – Phase 1 Week 1

Phase 1, Week 1. Camera's date is wrong! Today is Sept 10, 2012.

Phase 1, Week 1. Today is Sept 10, 2012.

Week 1


Goal Setting

In June 2012 I was 213lbs, and I was depressed. I decided to set a goal to lose 73lbs by eating 1,200 calories a day, and doing 5 miles of walking/jogging five days a week. Because I was under eating and killing myself over cardio, I lose weight but remained flabby. Desperate to lose weight and keep if off without the yo-yo effect of a low calorie diet, I sought advice on how to reach my goals effectively. I learned about bodybuilding.com from a co-worker back in August 2012, but after looking at the website knew I wouldn’t be interested. I didn’t want to look like a body builder. That look was not my goal. However when I thought about it, I couldn’t visualize my ideal body. I just wanted to lose weight!

Sometime during the month of September I got this epiphany that in order to get what I’ve never had, I have to try things I’ve never done before. I don’t know what exactly made me decide to refer back to the bodybuilding website, but I did. Maybe it was fate, maybe it was my co-worker who really helped inform me on the options the website had to offer. I saw Jamie Eason’s Live Fit plan for fat loss, and read what she had to say about losing weight, and watched her videos. I learned that Jamie Eason, like me, was a Communication major in college, and used modeling and wanting to be a spokes model for fitness as her motivation. I have always wanted to model but I never considered fitness modeling because I’ve never been fit. I definitely could use this as a motivator.

The following week I decided that I would give it a try. On Monday, September 10th, 2012 I started the 1st workout and was pissed about having to do pushups. I did a modified girl pushup and for the narrow pushups I used a wall and did those standing up.  The 1st day that I did the workout I felt it was tough but quick! However, as the day went on I became super sore. And so as the week went on, each body part that she has you work gets sore. This could have been eliminated or at least minimized if I had taken the supplements Jamie recommends. Instead I purchased over the counter supplements from my local grocer.

The first two weeks of the Live Fit plan includes a 4 day workout hitting each body part. Today is Thursday September 13, 2012 and I have finished my first week of Phase 1! The goal now is to keep it clean with my eating this weekend which for me means no alcohol or processed foods. It helps that I have planned out my weekend in My Fitness Pal so I know exactly what to eat. I also got rid of all the processed foods in my house to avoid possible cheating. I am going to enjoy resting these next few days. I purposely planned my workouts so that I am able to rest Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, and I need it. I am anxious to see my results and show them off. Everyone who I tell about this program agrees that building muscle is the right way to accomplish my fitness goals.

By the way, my goal is to enter a bikini contest sometime in 2013…and win!

Epiphany Moment: In the beginning you will have to sacrifice the things you have or can have, for the accomplishments you wish to gain or the things you want.