Jamie Eason Live Fit – Phase 2, Week 1

Phase 2 Before Photo

Phase 2 Before Photo. Camera date is wrong! Today is October 8, 2012.

Phase 2, Week 1


New Challenges         

I am 5lbs lighter these days, and 2 dress sizes smaller. Phase 2 includes 30 minutes of cardio at medium-intensity 4 days a week, and the workouts increased from 5 days a week to 6 days a week. I’m also lifting heavier weights, but doing less repetitions including doing groups of supersets. A superset is performed when you go back and forth doing the 1st set of Exercises 1, 2, and 3. Then after a 1-2 minute break start the 2nd set of Exercises 1, 2, and 3. Every day except for the day that you work your legs, ends with a 30 minute cardio session, making sure to keep your heart rate in fat burning mode.

 In Phase 2 Jamie Eason has you working your legs and your abdominals twice a week, and the workouts are much more challenging than Phase 1. The Nutrition part of this plan starts to turn into a diet in my opinion because you can’t eat carbohydrates in the evenings. So now my eating is slightly restricted. I am allowed more lean protein and good fats in place of the carbohydrate loss. I don’t eat any carbohydrates after 5pm now, even if they are good carbs. I’m starting to wonder why I was in such a hurry to be in Phase 2!

In Phase 2 I definitely recommend an energy pill or fat burner that will give you the energy you need to get through these workouts. The workouts are tough in my opinion and require focus. In Phase 2, Jamie Eason asks for you to do pull-ups <GASPS!>Thank God my gym has one of those machines where you can do an assisted pull-up. She also has you doing various forms of pushups. Tweak the workouts to work for you, and do what you can, don’t kill yourself. Do what you can safely. If you can’t do a “Donkey Calf Raise” then perform another exercise that you haven’t done for your calf’s.

Since I’ve started this program I’ve been sore every single time I workout. Now that the workouts are six days a week, I really don’t get a lot of time to recover so it is necessary to drink my protein shake immediately after my workouts to assist in faster recovery. The workouts have also increased in time. What used to take me 30 – 40 minutes is now 60 – 90 minutes easy.

Since paying more attention to ingredients, and not solely focusing on nutrition facts I have learned a lot about where the calories are coming from that I am consuming. Preservatives do not break down as fast as clean whole foods which can make a difference in how soon you will see results when trying to lose weight. I am enjoying eating clean and making this my lifestyle going forward.

 Epiphany Moment: I am so glad I did further research on clean eating and took the nutrition part of this program to heart. I have decided that for the rest of my life I am going to work out and eat clean. I really hope anyone who tries this program, who feels they can’t handle the workouts, will at least change their perception on nutrition.



Jamie Eason Live Fit – Phase 1, Week 4

Week 4


Perfecting Clean Eating and Supplementation

              I am so ready to jump on the elliptical! The only thing standing between me and Phase 2 is time. I’ve been patient with this program, going out of my comfort zone, and foregoing cardio for a whole month to build muscle so that cardio doesn’t destroy the muscle I need to build to burn fat and get toned. I love that the workouts switch up every 2 weeks so that you don’t get bored, and your body never gets a chance to get used to your routine. Waking up at 5:30AM to do the workouts is tough. I’m not a morning person, but I’d rather have my workouts done and out the way 1st thing in the morning. I still get sore after my workouts too which means I am never not challenging myself when in the gym. Oh and by the way, I lost another pound. So I’ve lost a total of 3lbs so far on this program.

                I want to say one thing about the clean eating diet, and I don’t care if I sound stupid because I didn’t know so I’m sure someone else out there doesn’t know, what exactly is processed meat? I found out that the deli meat I’ve been eating, although its smoked turkey and smoked ham, is processed meat! Deli meat, breakfast sausages, corned beef, and bacon are all high in sodium.  I am fine living without refined sugar because I like Stevia and Truvia, but sodium is a tough give up. I love my Goya seasonings and Tony’s Creole seasonings.

Eating is 80% of your weight loss. Just Google Eating Clean and you’ll understand why by simply changing your diet you will start losing weight. Use your time in Phase 1 to perfect your knowledge of clean eating as this may be something new for you. That way come Phase 2 and Phase 3 you can achieve the maximum results.

                Please note that I am not taking the supplement stack that Jamie Eason recommends at this present time. It’s not that I don’t feel I need it; it’s just that all of this is expensive for me. The groceries are already high due to the economy, and eating healthy is more costly than not eating healthy which is really sad. You have to do what you can and not go into debt for this. It’s a lifestyle for me, and I don’t plan on popping pills for the rest of my life. So note that my results for this part of the program were achieved without the supplement stack that was recommended. All of my supplements at this time I get from Wal-Mart for about $25.

Drink a lot of water to avoid feeling too sore and stretch. Personally I kind of like feeling sore. It lets me know I didn’t waste my time in the gym.

Epiphany Moment: As of date, I have noticed that my clothes fit me better, I have more energy, and my mood has improved. My hair is also getting stronger and longer, and my skin is clearer, and I am much wiser on how to eat without dieting. I’ve completely changed my lifestyle for the better. I am excited to be going into Phase 2 of this program.


Jamie Eason Live Fit – Phase 1, Week 3

Week 3


Stick With It

               I woke up early today around 5:30am to go to my gym. The workouts in Week 3 increase from 4 days a week to 5 days a week and you are allowed to choose which body part you would like to work twice a week. I chose back and biceps. I consider my back to be the area that needs special attention.  As far as the diet part of it, the hardest part is eating so much. It’s hard for me to eat 1,700 calories a day. I’m eating more around 1400 – 1600 calories a day.

Ok…if I’m going to do this review then I have to be 100% honest. I was thinking about doing some cardio this weekend because I am so sick of looking at this fat on my body. BUT. I am going to stick with the program because if it doesn’t work then I want to be able to say it didn’t work for me AND I followed all the directions. So I’m going to stick it out, and wait another two weeks to incorporate cardio, and do a legit review on this program. I also gained about 2lbs. I was pissed.

 I haven’t cheated on my diet or missed any workouts; I just gained out of nowhere. I was happy to weigh in because I looked like I had loss weight, but I gained weight. Everyone keeps telling me it’s the muscle. I’ve prepared all my meals for the week so it’s a no brainer as far as what I am going to eat. Sunday I went to the mall, and I refused to buy any pants because I am more than certain I am going to be out of a size 16’s and into my size 8’s in no time. I also resisted Auntie Anne’s Pretzels while shopping at the mall! Talk about dedication.

                I’m going to stick with the Live Fit program, and not deviate from the plan because you are going to gain before you lose in Phase 1, and I am shrinking regardless of what the scale says. I was slightly depressed seeing I gained weight but I am not giving up. I was doing my hair today and I noticed my biceps in the mirror. They were jumping as I was brushing my hair back! I have refocused, and I’m ready to get these next two weeks over with so we can get to the good stuff…cardio and fat burning!


Epiphany Moment: Don’t expect to see results after only 2 weeks of following the program. True healthy weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. Although I gained 2lbs of the 4lbs back this week, I’ve still lost 2lbs during the program in two weeks!

Jamie Eason Live Fit – Phase 1 Week 2

Week 2


Make It Work – Stay Focused and Determined

                 I wasn’t going to write anything for Phase 1, Week 2 since the workouts and eating is the same as Week 1, however I am so happy.  Since June 2012 I’ve lost 16lbs total but in one week 4 of those pounds came off through clean eating, and not under eating, or beating myself up over cardio. I ate between 1,500 – 1,700 calories a day and lifted weights only. Jamie is strict about not doing any cardio during Phase 1.

I went to the Farmers Market Saturday and got so much great whole food items that now I’m even more excited to be eating clean.  I have a ton of options for whole food eating since going to the Farmers Market. I highly recommend checking out the closest one to you. I also find it difficult to eat every 3 hours now. Last week I was a little hungry, and was counting down to the nearest minute when it would be time to eat. This week I’m like, “Ugh…time to eat again! I’m so full.” I’ve been drinking 1 bottle of water in-between the 3 hours and 1 whole bottle before eating breakfast. I also tried Jamie Eason’s Cinnamon Swirl bread recipe this weekend and it was delicious and fulfilling.

Today is Monday, September 17, 2012, and I’m really excited to go to the gym. Friday I will order all the supplements recommended by Jamie.

To make the diet work, definitely print the recipes and try them. Drink plenty of water and make a homemade lemonade or sweet tea using stevia for sweetener. Try homemade Kale Chips and Zucchini Chips as an evening snack. Make the diet work! Its 80% of where your results will come from. So make it happen and visualize the results. Eat slower or as mom would say, “Chew your food”. Take self-control and accountability and seek what your heart desires.

 No matter your religion, pray and ask God to help you through this. Keep supportive friends around you, and avoid hanging out with people who will encourage you to abandon your diet or take a break from the workouts until you are mentally strong enough to handle that type of pressure. I noticed that my friends who would tell me, “Oh you look great, you’ve lost 16lbs, live a little” took me more seriously, and gave up trying to get me to live outside of my clean eating lifestyle the more I said “I’m good. I’ve got to stay focused.” Stay focused on the new you that you are creating and the people around you will respect you for it. The may even want to jump onboard with you. 

Epiphany Moment: A proper diet and exercise plan is only successful when paired with determination. People who are determined to accomplish a goal don’t make excuses that go against their goal. It’s mind over matter. Every day is a chance to reset your mind and start over. I am ready for Week 3.

Jamie Eason Fitness Model – Workout Programs

Fitness model and Official bodybuilding.com spokesmodel

You Have Options


When selecting a Fitness Plan on Bodybuilding.com you may come across fitness model Jamie Eason quite a bit. I was referred to follow Jamie Eason’s Live Fit program by my co-worker, since I have a goal to lose body fat and get lean. While researching the Live Fit program I noticed many of the reviews online complaining about the lack of cardio and abdominal workouts in the Live Fit program. Well come to find out, Jamie Eason actually has 3 Fitness Plans, each lasting 12 weeks that come with printable exercise logs and a nutrition guide. Here is a  brief breakdown of those programs:

LIVE FIT: This program is the one that I chose to do a review on. The program is broken down into 3 Phases and provides a daily breakdown of the exercises to perform while in the gym. She also recommends daily meal plans and provides awesome recipes. The reason I chose this program is because it was informative and motivational. She includes videos throughout the program, and you are able to read reviews from those who have tried the program online. Overall, the Live Fit program by Jamie Eason is the best in that it is made for anyone of any fitness level to try, is informative, and acts as both a fat loss and muscle-building program.

FAT LOSS: This program is the one that I would recommend for those people who are complaining about not doing enough cardio. I believe if you need to lose 60lbs or more you should start with this program to lose the initial fat and then go into the Live Fit program. This program does not include 90 days of broken down exercises for you to keep a log or journal like the Live Fit program does. She gives you one week of exercises to do for what is assumed to be repeated over the course of 90 days. The exercise plan is printable and the program comes with a nutrition guide. There is also a video that explains how the program works. I have not been able to find any reviews on this program.

TONE & DEFINE: This program is the one that I would recommend for those people who are thinking they are going to look to too much like a bodybuilder if they do the Live Fit program. This program incorporates more cardio and the nutrition is the same as Live Fit. However, the exercises aren’t as intense and the focus isn’t on building muscle but on getting stronger and lean. This program is not broken down as well as the Live Fit program , but it does come with a printable exercise plan and nutrition guide and also includes a video that explains how the program works. I have not been able to find any reviews on this program.

I love Jamie Eason and I think that her Live Fit program is definitely a winner. My next program will be P90X . I feel that Jamie Eason’s Live Fit program has prepared me to be able to handle the P90X workouts. After P90X I would like to try the Insanity workout by Shaun T. By then I should be ready to train so that I can compete in my first bikini contest right?

Keep your eyes on me!!!