Jamie Eason Live Fit – Phase 2, Week 4

Week 4


Preparing Mentally for Phase 3

                Week 4 of Phase 2 is a continuation of last week. I am lifting heavier weights, and doing more reps. I have gotten much better at doing one legged squats, and lunges. I am also doing the Roman chairs, and reverse crunches with cleaner form. My lower abdominals is the weakest, and most stubborn part of my stomach so I have no choice but to grit teeth and go hard. This is the last week of Phase 2 and I can’t believe the final Phase is almost here.  I’ve already printed the workouts for Phase 3 and looked over them. Now that I have new goals, Phase 3 is going to prepare me for P90X! There is a lot of plyometric type moves performed in Phase 3. I am nervous about looking like an idiot in the gym jump roping, and doing jump squats, but that is another reason I go early in the morning. There are not as many people in the gym early in the morning!

     I have been visualizing myself doing the workouts in Phase 3 and I know I can do it. Every two weeks her workouts change, so I will be doing sprints on the treadmill, and jump roping for two weeks. The last two weeks are where you lean out, and do 30 reps of about 6 exercises as one giant superset for 3 sets. Then finish up with 45 minutes of cardio. I believe I will start carb cycling as well in Phase 3 which is where you eat more carbs on high volume workout days, and less carbs on low volume workout days and rest days. This week I weighed in at 194 pounds. I was hoping to have loss more weight, but I loss 1lb a week while building muscle so I can’t complain. My arms are starting to show my hard work and so is my stomach. I was able to wear a pair of jeans that I wasn’t able to fit prior to starting this program. So far I have loss a total of 7lbs on the Jamie Eason Live Fit program, but I’ve loss even more in inches. I am fitting size 12 jeans tightly but hey, atleast they button! I am nearing the finish line and quality performance is of the essence.

Clean Eating Grocery List

Ezekiel 4:9 Wrap with boiled chicken, tomato, cucumber, light mayo, mustard, chipotle seasoning, and avocado

The first tip I have for those who are not sure where to start when it comes to clean eating is to dedicate a day for cleaning out your pantry, refrigerator, freezer, and any other place you store food such as you desk drawer at work. What I would like for you to do is look at the ingredients in the foods. You may notice that you can’t pronounce any of the ingredients in the product that you are looking at. I want you to place that item into a pile to give to any local food drive of your choice. Here are the top five ingredients that will require an automatic toss into that pile for your local food drive:

1. Partially Hydrogenated Oil (Palm, Soy, etc…)

2. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

3. Benzoate Preservatives (BHT, BHA, TBHQ)

4. Artificial Colors

5. Sodium nitrite

The list of ingredients in the foods you eat should read like a recipe. Once you have “cleaned house”, replace the items with more whole, natural foods. Foods that don’t require a list of nutrition facts are the best. Those would include your foods from the perimeter of the grocery store such as produce and meats, although you should limit the amount of factory produced meats that you consume. Ultimately, you will want to purchase organic meats that come from animals raised on a farm, not in a factory.

Below is a link to a PDF. file for my grocery list. It is broken down by store and aisles! Frozen meats are in case of  an emergency. I typically purchase everything fresh and at the Farmers Market. You can boil some of your meats for a moment to see the fat, added oils, and preservatives float to the top of the water. Then rinse and prepare your meats as usual. Since I started eating clean in September 2012, I find myself shopping at Wal-Mart, the Farmers Market, Kroger, and local Health Food stores. I make it a point to shop at other places other than Wal-Mart to support local businesses.

Typical Grocery List


Jamie Eason Fitness Model – Workout Programs

Fitness model and Official bodybuilding.com spokesmodel

You Have Options


When selecting a Fitness Plan on Bodybuilding.com you may come across fitness model Jamie Eason quite a bit. I was referred to follow Jamie Eason’s Live Fit program by my co-worker, since I have a goal to lose body fat and get lean. While researching the Live Fit program I noticed many of the reviews online complaining about the lack of cardio and abdominal workouts in the Live Fit program. Well come to find out, Jamie Eason actually has 3 Fitness Plans, each lasting 12 weeks that come with printable exercise logs and a nutrition guide. Here is a  brief breakdown of those programs:

LIVE FIT: This program is the one that I chose to do a review on. The program is broken down into 3 Phases and provides a daily breakdown of the exercises to perform while in the gym. She also recommends daily meal plans and provides awesome recipes. The reason I chose this program is because it was informative and motivational. She includes videos throughout the program, and you are able to read reviews from those who have tried the program online. Overall, the Live Fit program by Jamie Eason is the best in that it is made for anyone of any fitness level to try, is informative, and acts as both a fat loss and muscle-building program.

FAT LOSS: This program is the one that I would recommend for those people who are complaining about not doing enough cardio. I believe if you need to lose 60lbs or more you should start with this program to lose the initial fat and then go into the Live Fit program. This program does not include 90 days of broken down exercises for you to keep a log or journal like the Live Fit program does. She gives you one week of exercises to do for what is assumed to be repeated over the course of 90 days. The exercise plan is printable and the program comes with a nutrition guide. There is also a video that explains how the program works. I have not been able to find any reviews on this program.

TONE & DEFINE: This program is the one that I would recommend for those people who are thinking they are going to look to too much like a bodybuilder if they do the Live Fit program. This program incorporates more cardio and the nutrition is the same as Live Fit. However, the exercises aren’t as intense and the focus isn’t on building muscle but on getting stronger and lean. This program is not broken down as well as the Live Fit program , but it does come with a printable exercise plan and nutrition guide and also includes a video that explains how the program works. I have not been able to find any reviews on this program.

I love Jamie Eason and I think that her Live Fit program is definitely a winner. My next program will be P90X . I feel that Jamie Eason’s Live Fit program has prepared me to be able to handle the P90X workouts. After P90X I would like to try the Insanity workout by Shaun T. By then I should be ready to train so that I can compete in my first bikini contest right?

Keep your eyes on me!!!