Jamie Eason Live Fit – Phase 3, Week 4 (The Finale)

Final Photo

Final Photo

Week 4


Live Fit (My Conclusion)

 This week, the workouts were a repeat of last week. I did not finish my last workout until Monday because I took 2 rest days this week. Again, this program is flexible and for me was a guide as to what I need to do when I go to the gym. Overall, this program was phenomenal and taught me how to tone and build muscle, which is necessary for keeping weight off and speeding up the metabolism. The workout plan gave a great outline that even the most novice of weight lifters could attempt. The nutrition plan gave me a great introduction to clean eating which is the most important part of any weight loss program. I found Jamie’s recipes to be delicious and affordable. I enjoyed watching her videos throughout the program. I found them to be motivational and informative. I believe anyone who wants to drop inches and lose a few pounds can benefit from this program. Although I have changed my life by starting my weight loss journey with this program, I can see why this program may not be for everyone.

 Live Fit is not for people who would like to lose more than 20 lbs. If you want to lose weight faster, then I would recommend the Jamie Eason’s Fat Loss plan. Live Fit is for people who want to tone their bodies while losing inches, but not necessarily pounds. That means, you can drop about 4 dress sizes doing this program, but may only lose 0 – 2 pounds a week during this program. I say zero because not every week I lose weight. I would also not recommend this program to people who do not feel comfortable working out in the gym. I recommend making friends by speaking to people if you find them looking at you while you’re working out. I found most people who were looking at me while I worked out found my workouts to be inspiring.

Most people thought that I was a personal trainer because of how dedicated I was in the gym and the workouts that Jamie Eason has you doing are exercises a trainer would have you doing. I definitely recommend that you watch the videos on how to perform the exercises on bodybuilding.com. Many people will need to do this program with a personal trainer to keep them motivated, and show them proper form but again, I recommend making friends with people in the gym. I also recommend restructuring the workouts because many gyms do not have a layout that will allow you to easily perform the supersets back to back. You will build muscle on this program and may find yourself looking muscular in the beginning. Keep going with the program and don’t deviate from it. You will lean out during Phase 2 and Phase 3.

 Thanks to this program I really have changed my life. I loss 13lbs during Live Fit. I now weigh 188lbs. I went from a borderline size 18 to a tight size 12 in juniors, and a loose size 14 in women’s.  Not once did I feel starved or deprived. I have gained strength and built confidence in myself. My journey does not end here. Live Fit was a preparation program for the rest of my weight loss journey. I would most definitely do this program again in the future. From here I am going into Tony Horton’s P90X workout. Follow me into the next Phase towards my journey to physical fitness and a bikini body.

Jamie Eason Live Fit – Phase 3, Week 1

Phase 3, Week 1

Phase 3, Week 1

Week 1


Whey You’re Options

I am starting Phase 3, 7lbs lighter than I started Phase 1! Basically I’ve loss 1lb a week steadily. This week the workouts have kicked my butt karate style! I have never worked out like this before. Because I’m doing supersets and active rest I am now taking about two hours to complete the workouts. The sprints on the treadmill are not as bad as I thought they would be, although the last 10 mins are the toughest.  The sprints last a total of 30 mins. You are to sprint 30 seconds on, and 30 seconds off which really ends up being 15 minutes of sprinting, but who wants to run a sprint for that long? I’ve been doing my sprints on the treadmill in the gym at work. This method of sprinting makes time go by super-fast. A little tip about sprinting on the treadmill, never start with your left foot. I’m not going to tell you how I know not to do that, and you’d better not ask!

 I purchased my own jump rope and a pair of non-slip weight lifting gloves from Wal-Mart. FYI… Jump roping is not as fun as an adult! I have to be honest; I’ve been monitoring my caloric intake, but not really being strict about it. I don’t always log every single thing I eat in My Fitness Pal because I always eat and snack clean.

I stopped using Whey Protein by Body Fortress. The Whey protein supplement was making me bloated, and after reading reviews online about how people were experiencing an expanding waistline cause of it, I decided I’d better stop using it! So in Phase 3, I am using a brand called Life’s Basics in Vanilla, which is a plant protein source from hemp, chia seeds, yellow peas, and rice. Many vegetarians use this, but I am going to use it and see how it works for me and my body. I found mine at a local Health Store. Since I’ve started taking the Life’s Basic’s brand, I notice that I have energy, I stay full longer, and I’m not bloated at all.

I am thinking that the reason most people have complained about not losing as much weight, and even gaining belly fat is because, they are using whey protein and they are not paying attention to how their body is reacting to it. Or maybe they are cheating on their diet too much by eating too much processed foods.  I bought some gluten free snacks, and some coconut milk ice-cream to satisfy my cravings. Again, this is a lifestyle not a diet. So don’t deprive yourself, just eat the alternative cleaner version of the foods you love. I find some vegetarian, and vegan snacks to be very well prepared. The ingredients in them read like a recipe!

Epiphany Moment: Listen to your body more than you listen to people’s advice. Be aware of all your protein options.  Use the protein that best supports you and your goals, and most importantly, pay attention to how your body reacts to the supplements.

Jamie Eason Live Fit – Phase 1 Week 2

Week 2


Make It Work – Stay Focused and Determined

                 I wasn’t going to write anything for Phase 1, Week 2 since the workouts and eating is the same as Week 1, however I am so happy.  Since June 2012 I’ve lost 16lbs total but in one week 4 of those pounds came off through clean eating, and not under eating, or beating myself up over cardio. I ate between 1,500 – 1,700 calories a day and lifted weights only. Jamie is strict about not doing any cardio during Phase 1.

I went to the Farmers Market Saturday and got so much great whole food items that now I’m even more excited to be eating clean.  I have a ton of options for whole food eating since going to the Farmers Market. I highly recommend checking out the closest one to you. I also find it difficult to eat every 3 hours now. Last week I was a little hungry, and was counting down to the nearest minute when it would be time to eat. This week I’m like, “Ugh…time to eat again! I’m so full.” I’ve been drinking 1 bottle of water in-between the 3 hours and 1 whole bottle before eating breakfast. I also tried Jamie Eason’s Cinnamon Swirl bread recipe this weekend and it was delicious and fulfilling.

Today is Monday, September 17, 2012, and I’m really excited to go to the gym. Friday I will order all the supplements recommended by Jamie.

To make the diet work, definitely print the recipes and try them. Drink plenty of water and make a homemade lemonade or sweet tea using stevia for sweetener. Try homemade Kale Chips and Zucchini Chips as an evening snack. Make the diet work! Its 80% of where your results will come from. So make it happen and visualize the results. Eat slower or as mom would say, “Chew your food”. Take self-control and accountability and seek what your heart desires.

 No matter your religion, pray and ask God to help you through this. Keep supportive friends around you, and avoid hanging out with people who will encourage you to abandon your diet or take a break from the workouts until you are mentally strong enough to handle that type of pressure. I noticed that my friends who would tell me, “Oh you look great, you’ve lost 16lbs, live a little” took me more seriously, and gave up trying to get me to live outside of my clean eating lifestyle the more I said “I’m good. I’ve got to stay focused.” Stay focused on the new you that you are creating and the people around you will respect you for it. The may even want to jump onboard with you. 

Epiphany Moment: A proper diet and exercise plan is only successful when paired with determination. People who are determined to accomplish a goal don’t make excuses that go against their goal. It’s mind over matter. Every day is a chance to reset your mind and start over. I am ready for Week 3.