Jamie Eason – Phase 3, Week 3

Crab Stuffed Tilapia (ran out of salmon), kales, vegan macaroni & cheese, cornbread stuffing with mushroom gravy, and cranberry sauce. (Ran out of Yams too!)

Week 3


Holiday Crunch Time

                This week I performed ginormous supersets. The reps increased to 20 and the cardio sessions are now 45 minutes long. I did cardio 4 days a week, and 1 day a week I did an hour of cardio only. The leg workout was killer. I had to do 4 supersets of 30 reps of various leg exercises. The workouts are still 6 days a week and take about an hour or hour and a half to complete. I can’t believe I am approaching the final stretch of this program. With just one more week to go, I feel that I have come such a long way. My body definitely looks smaller than I weigh. I really enjoyed the workouts this week. The weight lifting and extended cardio may be why I neither lose nor gained this week despite the Thanksgiving Holiday.  I really like the Life’s Basic protein as a meal replacement. It does not weigh me down or make my bloated like the whey protein did. Also, I believe the CLA works. Most people who try this program may or may not be using the supplements that Jamie Eason recommends. Not using supplements can make a major impact on the results you receive. I purchased most of my supplements from Wal-Mart such as my: CLA, Multi-Vitamin, and DHA pill. In the beginning, I purchased my protein from Wal-Mart too, but I found the plant based protein from my local Health Store to be more beneficial. This week I celebrated Thanksgiving with family and friends and they could not believe how much weight I’ve loss. I actually worked out Thanksgiving morning. No Holiday slack for me.  I’m excited and can’t wait to take my final after picture next week.

Thanksgiving Holiday Moment:

Who gets excited when they find out that their gym is open on Thanksgiving Day?! I do! And who prepares an entire feast for Thanksgiving the clean way?! I do. I baked honey garlic salmon, slow cooked kale greens, made homemade cranberry sauce, yam patties, and I purchased vegan mac n’ cheese, vegan cornbread stuffing with mushroom gravy from my favorite restaurant Soul Vegetarian here in Atlanta, GA. Soul Vegetarian is so good that you can’t believe there is no animal by-product in any of the food. It’s amazingly delicious. No cheating for me just because it’s a Holiday, but also, no deprivation. I had everything I wanted, the clean way without over indulging, or feeling like a stuffed turkey! I am so thankful for my family, friends, Monte (my dog), career and co-workers, good health and overall well-being, and especially thankful for everyone who is reading this blog. Because I am thankful for my body which is my temple, I showed my body how thankful I was of it by not over doing it this holiday season. Treat your body good, and it will treat you good in return. God be with you all this Holiday Season.

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