JE: Live Fit (Round 2)

Jamie Eason Round 2 efore picture

Exercising is all about doing what works for your schedule, your body, and your personality. I had a goal to do P90X because I have seen so many great results from people I know, as well as people online who have followed the program. However, I learned something about myself after doing P90X the first few days. I am not an at home workout kind of girl! I am stronger than I used to be, and found the exercises in P90X to be un-challenging using bands. I could not get used to using the workout bands for resistance. I like holding a dumbbell and pumping iron! Buying dumbbells was more expensive than I thought, and my gym membership was being paid for but I wasn’t taking use of the equipment. Therefore, I decided to do Live Fit all over again starting with Phase 1 because I would like to build more muscle.

 I have gotten more comfortable with building muscle to lose weight and keep it off. Already, I have noticed that I have doubled my strength since Round 1 of Live Fit. I am able to lift double the weight since Phase 1 according to the journal that I kept during Round 1, and it is not taking me as long to finish the workouts. I have been doing some of the workouts this week, but I will be officially re-starting Jamie Eason Live Fit, Round 2 on December 17, 2012. Instead of weekly postings, I will be doing monthly postings. I will be adding in Yoga from P90X one rest day a week, but no cardio until Phase 2.

Live Fit taught me how to live fit! I know how to lift weights and why keeping a workout journal is beneficial to me. I like to see my progress on paper. I can see major improvements in my physical abilities by keeping a workout journal. P90X did show me how to correct my form when exercising as well as taught me new exercises. However I would rather do the P90X resistance exercises at the gym. At this point, it makes sense for me to continue with the Live Fit program until June 2013. I love this program as a lifelong fitness program. I can always do P90X on days when I can’t make it to the gym, but for the most part, I will be sticking with Mrs. Eason.

I recommend this program to anyone who likes to workout at the gym. Print the workout guides, put them in a three-hole punch binder, and take it and a pen with you to the gym. Don’t forget your water bottle. You will never want to try another fitness program again!


4 thoughts on “JE: Live Fit (Round 2)

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