Cherished Advice

P90X Review – Phase 2 Update

Okay, so here is what’s been going on since I completed Phase 1 of P90X. I slacked off for about two weeks, before jumping back into it. I was a little depressed after my dog died from a massive seizure. It was so unexpected, and really took a toll on me. Sometime last week I got re-motivated to jump back into the workouts. In doing so I realized a few things about the P90X program:

1.       P90X can be done in 90 days, but for most people it may take more time. The workouts really challenge you, but they are doable. This being said, you may be like me, and feel the need to take extra rest days due to the intensity of the workout. Especially if you are pushing yourself to the max.

2.       You don’t have to follow P90X exactly as it’s laid out. For example, I wanted to take the doubles approach for Phase 2. This would mean that I would literally be doing a double workout 3 days a week (Cardio X in the mornings, and weight lifting in the evenings). I did Cardio X once so far and it was very intense for me. Lately what I’ve been doing instead of Cardio X, is going to the gym to do 45 minutes on the elliptical, and then coming home and doing the weight lifting part of the P90X workouts. The elliptical machine is much more forgiving on my knees than Cardio X, although I enjoyed the compilation aspect of the workout.

3.       I had an epiphany that P90X is not just a 90 day workout routine to be done for 90 days straight with high expectations of a total body transformation. Many people do transform after 90 days, but some of us don’t. I am going to take my time and continue with the workouts because they give me a structured program on weight lifting and core toning. I will switch up my cardio between Kenpo X, Plyometrics, Yoga, and Cardio X, but when I have those days when I don’t feel like jumping around, or doing anything at all, I’ll take a walk, hop on the elliptical, or even do the bike which is better than nothing at all.

4.       The most important part of any weight loss goal is diet, which is the one area most of us struggle with. Weight loss, simply put is achieved with a calorie deficit made by either sacrificing high calorie foods with low-calorie, high fiber foods, and/or by increasing activity levels. This is all elementary information for most of us because although we know how to lose weight, it’s hard to put what we know into action. Most of our diets fail because we lack motivation, consistency, and the ability to make the necessary sacrifices to achieve our goals. The sacrifices come either from a decrease in portion size, or an elimination of sugar, fried foods, and refined carbohydrates all together which for some of us is a choice too hard to make, or stick with for any real length of time, especially without any motivation. If you’re a food junkie like me, you may have to eliminate certain foods all together until you are able to handle them in smaller portions without going overboard.

This post is not a statement saying that I am giving up on P90X. It is just to say that I will be following the program at my leisure, and taking the simple scientific step to weight loss which is a calorie deficit with workouts and portion control. I’ve tried to avoid watching my calories for a while, but it always comes back full circle. It’s the only true way for me to lose weight. Follow me on MyFitnessPal by finding me at Golden83, and continue to check out my photo gallery as I bring you week to week updates on my progress.