Cherished Advice

My B12 Experience

So last Tuesday I went to see Dr. Cole at Dr. Cole Dermatology & Aesthetic Norcross office, and received a complimentary B12 shot. That morning I woke up, and went straight to his office without breakfast, and slightly drowsy. I was a little nervous about it, because I hate shots. But before I could get nervous, it was already over. The whole thing took 5 seconds. The shot did not burn or sting not one bit.  I was hungry and tired while waiting to be seen by Dr. Cole, but after I received the B12 shot I felt great. I was energized, and less hungry almost instantly. I did go home and take a nap, but when I woke up; I was still energized and went for a 5 mile walk. I ate about 1,300 calories that day, and was completely satisfied without feeling starved.

The shot is normally $25, and lasts about a week before the benefits ware off. B12 shots boast that they will improve your mood, which to me is the most important part towards healthy weight loss. When you’re in a good mood, it’s easier to stay focused on how to go about achieving your goals. On top of the B12 shot improving your mood, it also boosts your metabolism, and gives you energy. Those are the other pieces to the weight loss puzzle: diet and exercise. So it is clear that an extra dosage of B12 can definitely help boost one’s ability to lose weight naturally. At $100 for (5) B12 shots, I’ll say that’s an excellent way to invest in weight loss, especially if you are or were considering liposuction or cosmetic surgery. B12 is an excellent alternative to help you get on the right track, and get great results without the risks of surgery.

Tomorrow I will be getting a series of 5 of them over the course of 5 weeks for a hundred bucks. I will keep you posted with updates on how the next 5 weeks with the B12 shots work out for me. If you are in the Atlanta, GA area, stop by and see Dr. Louis Cole. He is awesome and reasonably priced.