Cherished Advice

The New Revelations: A Conversation with God

This book was recommended to me by a co-worker who I believed to have a beautiful spirit. When she spoke, she was a breath of fresh air, yet she never took claim to any particular religion. I asked her one day with my inquisitive mind, “What’s your religion?” She seemed slightly bothered by my question and responded, “I don’t like to put my beliefs in any particular box. I am an Unitarian, meaning I believe in what works and what does not work as I go about the Universe.” Then she said, “You need to read this book called, “A Conversation with God”. So to the library I went.

I went to the library and there the book was. When I started reading the book, I got chills because everything that was written in it was things that God had revealed to me in my own conversations with him. Here I was thinking I was someone special, and there was God having the same conversation with Neale Walsch. I learned after reading this book that we are all special, and that as uncomfortable as it is to say this, there is no right or wrong religion. There is only what works and what does not work.

 I had asked God, maybe a year ago, questions about Jesus Christ because I was raised to be a Christian. I asked, was Jesus Christ really your son? God revealed to me,

“Jesus is my son, just as you are my daughter, and you are all my children.”

I asked God why will any of us go to hell for not knowing or believing Jesus is the Messiah? I have friends who have great spirits, but do not believe in Jesus Christ. Will they go to hell? God revealed to me that he was glad I asked him that, and not to worry about anyone going to a place called hell.

“Hell is a word humans created to describe an experience they had on earth; same thing with the word “Heaven”. He revealed, “no one with my spirit is damned to such a place called hell, and everyone on earth has my spirit. But everyone on earth will reap what they sow. You will all experience consequences from your own actions and the actions of others, just as you will all experience rewards in the same manner. Call to me in times of trouble and I will always protect you no matter what.”

So there is no heaven to look forward to? I asked.

“Life will never end for any of you. You all have my spirit, and my spirit will never die. That is a consistent truth. What you call “death” could be described as a heavenly experience, and all of you will experience it.”

Wow! This is crazy. I then asked God, “But what about the Bible? It seems to be contradicting at times.” He revealed to me that,

“The Bible is a compilation of selected journal entries written by people who experienced miracles and learned life lessons. The Bible isn’t something you have to believe in. It’s more like something you can learn from.  Each person can create their own Bible. You yourself have learned many lessons. Start The Book of Andrea, and encourage your friends to start The Book of [Insert Their Name Here]. When you go back and read what you have written, you will see all the great things you have accomplished and remember experiences you had that taught you valuable lessons. And as for me being contradicting, it is human understanding that is a contradiction. This is why I love to speak to each and every one of you directly. Ask me anything, I will always reveal the truth because the truth is who I AM. I AM love, and nothing contradicting. Always remember that each and every one of you, no matter what systematic or cultural religion you follow experiences blessings. This is my way of showing all of you that you are all loved no matter what religion you follow. Call to me, no matter what you call me (Allah, Jesus, Muhammad, God, Most High, Yahweh, Lord…) and I will always answer each and every one of you.”

I never wanted to reveal these revelations I had in my conversations with God prior to having read The New Revelations: A Conversation with God by Neale Donald Walsch. I was scared people would misjudge me. I was also afraid because what was revealed to me went against everything I had been taught my whole life.  After reading this book, I felt liberated from that fear. This book is not creating a new religion of any sort by the way. It is basically saying that if being a Christian makes you a better person, and that works for you, then be a Christian. But don’t persecute, or damn anyone to a place called hell because being a Catholic, Muslim, or Jew makes them a better person than following Jesus Christ. If being a Muslim helps you have a healthy relationship with God and it works, then by all means be a Muslim. But don’t kill me because I don’t choose to love God in the same manner as you.

I highly recommend reading this book no matter your religion. It’s all about having a healthy relationship with God, and loving God and other human beings in a way that is not contradicting in any way, shape, or form from love itself. God is not an exclusivist. No one will be left out from receiving his love, and none of us is going to “hell”. And if you don’t believe me, have your own conversation with God, then read this book. See what he reveals to you. You will be shocked. There is a whole series of these books by Neale Walsch that I intend to read. This book also encouraged me to read more about Mahatma Gandhi. I still call God Jesus, and I still look to the life he lived as an example of how to live my own life. But I feel liberated knowing I won’t go to hell or be disrespecting God by learning ALL that there is to know to learn how to be a better human being. I encourage and challenge you all to expand your knowledge about life, and become a better person today than you were yesterday. One by one we can change the world.